Adjective and Its classification


An Adjective is a word used to qualify a noun or pronoun - J.C Nesfield.

যে সকল শব্দ দ্বারা কোন Noun বা Pronoun এর দোষ, গুণ, অবস্থা, সংখ্যা ও পরিমাণ প্রকাশ করা হয়, তাকে Adjective বলে।

Adjectives qualify only Noun and Pronoun. It specifies the quality, number, and quantity of noun or pronoun. Simply, It describes nouns or pronouns.

Adiba is a beautiful girl. (এখানে Noun-এর গুণ বুঝাচ্ছে)
He has five red pens. (এখানে Noun-এর সংখ্যা বুঝাচ্ছে)
Safi is a strong boy. (এখানে Noun-এর অবস্থা বুঝাচ্ছে)

Most adjectives can be used in two positions.
Attributive and Predicative adjectives - 

When they are used before the noun they describe, they are called Attributive.

A white horse.
A beautiful day.
A fast race.
A large table.

When they are used after a verb such as be, become, grow, look, sound, smell, taste seem, appear, turn they are called predicative.

The horse is white.
The day becomes gloomy.
The race seems fast.
They were growing tired.

Types of Adjectives:
Adjective can be classified into 8 kinds. They are:
1. Adjective of Quality/ Qualities Adjective/ Descriptive Adjective
2. Adjective of Number/ Numeric Adjective/ Numeral Adjective
3. Adjective of Quantity/ Quantitative Adjective
4. Proper Adjective.
5. Demonstrative Adjective.
6. Possessive Adjective.
7. Interrogative Adjective.
8. Distributive Adjective.

1. Descriptive adjective/ Adjective of quality:

Descriptive Adjective সাধারণত noun বা pronoun এর quality বুঝায় এবং তার সম্পর্কে বর্ণনা করে। যেমন: Nice, good bad, beautiful, charming etc.

The descriptive adjective is used to express the qualities of noun or pronoun. It is also used for the description of someone or something.

He told me about a great moment of his life
She is looking good.
You are a bad boy.
I have a fast car.
I am hungry.
The hungry cats are crying
I saw a flying Eagle.

2. Adjectives of number/Numeral/Numeric Adjective:

Noun বা pronoun এর সংখ্যা বা ক্রম বােঝাতে Numeral Adjective ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Adjective of number is two types - Definite and Indefinite.

Definite Numeral Adjectives are of three kinds - Cardinal, Ordinal and Multiplicative.

The Cardinal Adjectives denote how many as one, two, three, four, etc.
The Ordinal Adjectives denote in what order as first second third, fourth, etc.
The Multiplicative Adjectives denote how many folds as single, double, triple, etc.

The numeral adjective is used to express the exact number or order of noun or pronoun.

He is the first boy in the class.
The owner of the house does not rent the room to the single.
Three cats ran up the steps.
The third cat was the brown cat.

Indefinite Numeral Adjectives: An indefinite adjective doesn't describe or modify a noun specifically. They provide indefinite/unspecific information about the noun. The common indefinite adjectives are few, many, much, most, all, any, nobody, several, some, etc.

Indefinite Adjectives do not indicate an exact number.

I gave some candy to her.
All men are mortal.
I want some more books.

3. Adjectives of quantity/quantitative Adjectives:

Noun বা Pronoun এর পরিমাণ বুঝাতে quantitative adjective ব্যবহার করা হয়। Some, enough any, little, much, whole, sufficient, alt none, more, etc.

Adjective of Quantity: Words which show how much of a thing is meant are called adjectives of quantity.

Shakil drinks much milk.
The girl wants a little sugar.
I have enough water.
They have lost all their wealth.

4. Proper Adjectives:

Proper adjectives are the adjective form of proper nouns. When proper nouns modify or describe other nouns/ pronouns, they become proper adjectives. Proper means 'specific' rather than 'formal' or 'polite.'

Proper adjectives are usually capitalized as proper nouns are.

American cars are very strong.
Chinese people are hard workers.
I love KFC burgers.
Marxist philosophers despise capitalism.
Alex is an Australian player.
Robin is an Indian player.
Sushi is an Asian player.
I love Chinese food.

5. Demonstrative Adjectives:

Noun বা pronoun-কে নির্দিষ্ট করে বোঝাতে demonstratives ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমনঃ This, that, those, these etc.

Demonstratives are used to specify the noun or pronoun.

This book is mine
That room is her.
These notes should be followed.
Those building are so gorgeously decorated.

6. Possessive Adjectives:

বাক্যে মালিকানা বা নিজস্ব কোন সম্পদ বুঝাতে Possessive ব্যবহার করা হয়। যেমনঃ my, her, their, our, your etc.

Possessives are used to show the possession or belongingness in the sentence.

I have seen her cat.
Their house is very big.
This is our school pond.
My car is parked outside.
His cat is very cute.
Our job is almost done.
Her books are interesting.

7. Interrogative Adjectives:

Interrogative adjectives সাধারণত Noun বা pronoun-কে modify করে। যেমনঃ what, which and whose are known as interrogative adjectives.

An Interrogative adjective modifies nouns or pronouns and form a question.

What kind of tree is it?
Which subject do you want to teach?
Whose room is this?
Which phone do you use?
What game do you want to play?
Whose car is this?

8. Distributive Adjectives:

কোন group এর কাউকে পৃথকভাবে করে বর্ণনা করতে Distributive Adjective ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমনঃ Each, every, either, neither etc.

The distributive adjective is used to describe a specific member out of a group.

Each student will get money.
Every man has to go outside for a job.
Each boy was given a chocolate.
Every nation is proud of its culture.
You may take either side.
I took neither side.

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